Saturday, June 2, 2007

Transmission 000 - A Forewarning

Some thoughts here may disturb you. Others may anger you, provoke you, entice you, confuse you, confound you, embolden you, enlighten you.

That is my goal, at least.

I have set up this communications relay as a way of "learning by teaching" - I will share my opinion on one subject, without reservation, and I ask that you act in kind and do the same. There is no greater honor than to have an intellectual dispute - a conflict of ideals or philosophies - so long as the idea is what is being challenged, and not the man behind it.

As such, there is only thing I ask of anyone who reads or replies to this relay, and that is that there be no personal attacks. Such a thing benefits no one, and I will not tolerate it on this channel.

Aside from that one rule, the rest is fair game. Let's hope we both learn a little.

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